Staff &

David Holyoake
David is Founder and Manager of Swarm Dynamics. David has a background as an environmental legal policy advisor and activist formerly with environmental law organisation in the UK, and as EU campaign leader for Bankwatch network He is also a musician and published composer of new classical music, represented as an Associate Artist of the Australian Music Centre. Experienced in the creative direction of artistic projects across a wide range of mediums and art forms, he has also been invited for work as an independent expert on the evaluation of calls under the Creative Europe Programme, as a vice chair to evaluation processes run by the EU Executive Agency for Culture and Education.
Throughout his environmental work on UK and EU climate and energy issues, David became acutely aware of the need to emotionalize the debate on climate and other issues, the need for a step-change in more creative, evidence-based, and inspiring communications, and the need for civil society groups to join the dots on the root causes of the crises we face – challenging the destructive logic of the current economic model, the lunacy of infinite growth, and working towards compelling political narrative towards a more meaningful economy.
David is the great-great-grandson of George Holyoake, the English agitator who coined the term ‘secular’ and was the last man jailed for atheism. Recipient of awards, public grants and commissions, David’s music has been played at such venues as Fairfield Halls London, the Royal Academy of Music, and the Great Hall, National Gallery of Victoria and published by Reed Music.