
VR exhibition 2023 - Pick a Path 4 Croydon

Come see our vibrant and thought provoking virtual reality exhibition, part of London Borough of Culture 2023. Containing some of the results from the process of bold community debates about system change that we ran in Croydon in 2023, the show ran for 2 months in October to end of November at Museum of Croydon, and will return at South Norwood public library in Q1 2024.  Informative exhibition including stunning work by the artist in residence we worked with –  Meitao Qu, supported by artist mentors Cliff Crawford and Maf J Alvarez. Exploring deep environmental and social justice themes, and barriers to change as experienced by local civil society groups. Come what explore brighter, fairer, and greener futures and have your say at the end! With thanks to Arts Council England for funding this project. Exhibition details here: https://culturecroydon.com/event/pick-a-path-4-croydon/  

Scroll down below to see some photos from the exhibition. 

After the Pandemic

Below on this page you can explore the online art exhibition from our latest open call ‘After the Pandemic’. Following the release of this Statement from our Board about the Pandemic as a moment to act upon systemic change, artists and citizens were invited to respond to a creative brief about what sort of healthier, more environmentally sustainable ‘normal’ they would like to return to after the lock-down. What behaviours, modes or production, societal or economic values would YOU not like to see coming back? The results were surprising and some common themes emerged. Click the info button on the right when hovering over an image to expand and reveal information and the artist’s statement for each work.

Hidden Paths

To view photos from our larger Arts Council funded touring exhibition, Hidden Paths – an informative immersive exhibition including virtual reality simulation into zero carbon, post capitalist futures, visit: https://systemchangehive.org/category/gallery/   This exhibition, featuring visual art, sound art, film and virtual reality, was the result of our interdisciplinary System Change Hive project. After successful exposure at Brighton Digital Arts Fest and Warwick Arts Centre, the tour is currently on hold due to COVID 19.

'Pick a Path 4 Croydon' - VR Exhibition from our Croydon System Change project 2023-2024

After the Pandemic


If you are an organisation seeking our help as creative catalyst to think differently about your environmental campaign strategies, to deliver creative workshops or educational events about communicating rapid transition, or for inspirational guest talks involving creatives, please use the contact form below and address your query to David.


If you are an artist, creative, or change maker generally interested in joining the Swarm collective or finding out more about what we do and would like to do, please fill in the below mail form below and one of our team will get back to you in a week or two. Alternatively, follow and ping us on facebook or twitter.


If you are able to support our unique work embedding the arts within system change and sustainable futures, please help us keep going in the aftermath of COVID19 with a small donation, which you can make securely through our page on the Charities Aid Foundation – please click here